Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Dear friends, lovers and thieves,

I've missed you and Sweden's cold. I've been taking some time off, trying to get rid of my appendix, recording stuff in the studio, was actually hit by a car walking....I don't know...January never really does it for me, I guess...but spring is probably coming along and everything seem to be opening up...

≈ German Hands
It is now official. We were given an offer we couldn't refuse. March 30th our third album 'Brilliant Hands' will be released in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The record label is called Ma'am Records and it's all good. This release will be followed-up with a tour in May. If you guys have any requests on where we should play - please send an email to gatssmail@gmail.com - or just reply to this one...thanks!

≈ New photos
Me and my friend Magnus Ohlin went on a stroll and took some new pictures for the german press. they turned out great. He's a great guy. He also gave me a bunch of great live shots. I've just added all the new pictures to gatss.com ...or myspace.com/gatss ...or facebook (search for our fan page)

≈ Spotify
I guess you all have heard about Spotify by now. I think it's pretty great.
Anyway, you can now find all GATSS albums on there.

≈ Smashing Pumpkins
April 3rd we will play a show in our hometown Helsingborg. We do that all the time, yes, but this is a special night. We will play the Smashing Pumpkins album 'Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness' from start to end and this will be recorded.

that' all. I've been Gustav Haggren and you've done a pretty damn good version of you. /G

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