Wednesday, July 15, 2009

GATSS July Letter

We just came back after visiting two great and very different festivals -also quite different from each other. We were first at the Fusion Festival in Lärz outside of Berlin. A very left wing thing with the main focus on dance music where apparently we fit right in among all the dj's. we stayed for the whole festival, hung out with Illute, Karl Blau and Holiday. Helena Arlock played on the first day and I played on the second. That was followed by a trip to south France to play an americana festival in Goudargues called Goud' Acoustic. We were overwhelmed by the kindness we met there. Eddie the founder, Johan and Lykress our hosts and all the rest of them French, Dutch and Belgians. This was their second year but I have a feeling that this festival will grow.

Anyway, these are the headlines:

:::Lost bass player:::
Jon Mattsson who has played bass with us since the beginning decided to leave the band and he will play his last shows with us next week. It has of course struck us very hard but we are grateful for the times we had and we will move on - as always.

:::New Website!:::
Arlock Design has done it again. Today is the premiere of GATSS brand new website. Aren't everyone getting a little fed up with myspace etc....? well then let's hit the homepages again:

:::Download Sadie Says for free:::
Our new single Sadie Says is still available for free download at the Windows promotion program:

I will go to Stockholm in August to play a few shows with my talented friend Tarantula Waltz. Confirmed show is at The Last Waltz (Bonden Bar) on August 22nd.

New live video clips is up on our youtube channel

Tomorrow me and Helena Arlock fly to Italy to perform some shows a duo. I am hungry now after all this writing, talk to you later.
yours to keep,

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