Saturday, January 27, 2007

Photos from the last show...

at Dunkers Kulturhus.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Two shows in Canada!

A bit groggy from the wine-abuse yesterday I'm starting to realize that this is the day I have to go back to work another nightshift. 6 PM to 6 AM.

Oh, well I got more shows on my tour so that's marvellous.

I'm a bit tired from booking a tour to my label-mate Rachelle van Zanten, too bad I'll miss her Releaseparty. Make sure you don't miss it, it's in Malmö February 8. You can order tickets on Marilyn Records homepage. She will share party with Achordian that are also my label-mates. I'm leaving the 5th - excellent timing.


Saturday, January 13, 2007

Artist of the week on P4 Malmöhus - come in and listen!


Everyday this week you can hear me play live mixed with short interviews on P4 Malmöhus. Mon-Fri between 11.50 and 12.00. The recordings are from December when me and Helena went to their BIG studio to record 10 GATSS-songs with just a guitar and a cello.
New shows added on the US-trip.