Friday, March 02, 2007

4 lanes, smoothie, trucker land

Our stay in Washington has been great! Thank you Jesse, Josh, Laura, Hash, Tom, Mike, Justin and rest of you beautiful people! We had the best time.

After the show yesterday at Wonderland Ballroom we got a ride back up north by Kelly, our friend and current mentor. She drove the half first and I drove the second. I think it was about an 8 hour drive. My God it rained and there was so many lines and trucks everywhere. Everyone else in the car was asleep so I just had to guess, halfpipe here, intersection there and so I've arrived in Catskill and both me and Helena are extremely tired - we'll probably pass out at the couches here soon..

Thank you again Kelly for helping us out!

Yesterday Jesse took us to this cool pirate radio station called CPR and we played a couple of songs. It was an honor to share the studio with a band like These United States. At Wonderland we played together with Rose and The Great White Jenkins. Thanks to all of you who came to see us, especially our fan base from IOTA! We're trying to figure out how we are gonna get from Catskill tomorrow, no buses, no rental are bloody expensive just because we're not ADULTS(?) 25? C'mon people. what are we dealing with here? Ok, I feel whiny today but the owner of this coffeeshop just gave me a smoothie to cheer me up..I got a bit of brain-freeze and that felt good actually..


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